KZ Benefit Resources
Everything you need to promote the fundraiser and make it a big success.
All templates
Hyperlinked flyer (pdf) - just click to get to the website
Flyer image for social media (jpg)
KZ Benefit Concert - FYI
Communication Timeline
Ideas for Reaching Out
Templates for Reaching Your Network
Personal Contact Sheet
You will be asked to copy the sheet - say yes!
Business Contact Form
Please add to this document as you reach out to businesses.
Hyperlinked flyer (pdf) - just click to get to the website
Flyer image for social media (jpg)
KZ Benefit Concert - FYI
Communication Timeline
Ideas for Reaching Out
Templates for Reaching Your Network
Personal Contact Sheet
You will be asked to copy the sheet - say yes!
Business Contact Form
Please add to this document as you reach out to businesses.